The consumerization of technology and rise of mobile adoption in emerging and established markets have driven companies to invest enormous capital and resources into pursuing the best possible mobile experience for all of their end users. But, without a focused mobile performance solution, these investments can only go so far. This ebook will introduce you […]
Web Performance
With over 20 years of web performance experience spanning over countless verticals & use cases, we break the boundaries of off-the-shelf products and vanilla configurations to create the optimal performance stack for your business. As a lifelong partner of world-leading CDN providers, we exhaust all features and beta programs to creatively seize every opportunity to optimize your performance and costs.
How to Choose the Right CDN for Online Video Delivery The right CDN partner can help you meet the digital expectations of today and tomorrow. Use this short, effective chart guide to get acquainted with the current video delivery trends and the CDN requirements they generate. Fill out the form to get your free copy.
8th April, 2021 -
CDN Tuning for OTT – Doesn’t It Already Do That? When you initially onboarded your OTT traffic to a CDN, you probably went with default settings. And to be honest, why wouldn’t you? A standard media configuration is designed for the short http-based segment delivery at scale. It removes the bottleneck of your origin connectivity, taking you from a couple of hundred Mb/s to several […]
8th April, 2021 -
Ebook: DNS Best Practices to Proactively Protect Against Malware Proactively protecting your company against malware, ransomware, and phishing at the DNS control-point, as opposed to retroactive triage and remediation, simply makes sense. A cloud-based solution is ideal given ease of configuration and deployment, limiting exposure time and ensuring 100% compliance across all branches, employees, and devices on your network near instantaneously. However, layering an […]
8th April, 2021 -
Is DNS Your Security Achilles Heel? With the constant drumbeat of news reports about security breaches, cyber security is hardto ignore. Organizations understand that they need comprehensive solutions that prevent,detect, and respond to security threats. They often implement multiple layers of securitycontrols to protect their IT systems.Yet gaps remain. Many organizations have a blind spot when it comes to the Domain […]
8th April, 2021 -
Ebook: Ensuring Fast, Secure Web & Mobile Experience This paper will summarize the best practices and new technologies that can help retailers make sure their web and mobile sites are available and provide a great customer experience when it matters most. It will focus on developments that are changing how e-commerce executives think about site performance and security: the move to cloud computing, […]
8th April, 2021 -
E-book: 7 Key Criteria for Choosing the Right CDN for Today and Tomorrow The Internet is changing more quickly than ever, offering tremendous growth and opportunity for businessespoised to take advantage. To succeed, organizations need a CDN partner that can support their needs with easeand agility – but how do you select the right one, given that technical and business requirements are constantlychanging? Choosing a CDN with a […]
8th April, 2021 -
Why Image Optimization Matters – Infographic Learn the latest stats regarding web & mobile image performance, and the benefits of cloud-based image optimization to cater for the mobile surge challenges. Fill out the form to get your free infographic.
8th April, 2021 -
Designing DNS for Availability and Resilience Against DDoS Attacks Fast DNS provides organizations with an authoritative DNS service to connect end users withtheir websites and other applications. While much attention is paid to performance, organizationsoften overlook the importance of availability and resilience for DNS—especially against DDoSattacks that seek to disrupt the service and prevent end users from connecting. Akamai designedFast DNS to remain available […]
8th April, 2021 -
8 Considerations for Cloud Image Management Learn how to choose a DAM / image optimization solution which meets users’ expectations for both superb quality and instant loading. Fill out the form to download this short, effective guide.
8th April, 2021 -
Understanding the Mobile Opportunity – Infographic View up-to-date statistics about the increasing usage of mobile, as well as the performance and security challenges this trend poses.
8th April, 2021 -
Speed, Availability and Cost – How To Find The Right Multi-CDN Strategy For Your Business Read on to see how using a multi-CDN provider can save you time, money, and hassle.
21st October, 2020 -
CDN is Still Not a Commodity, no Matter What They Tell You In this article, GlobalDots' Senior Technical Sales Engineer, Michael Steindl, shares his thoughts on why the choice of CDN is far away from being commoditized for a lot of companies.
2nd April, 2020