In addition to being outdated, passwords create frictions and hassles for workflows, teams, and users. We enable the complete elimination of passwords, securely and with an optimal user experience – by implementing the latest IAM & CIAM innovative solutions. We are using a technology called FIDO2 (Fast ID Online) Authentication – new passwordless authentication method that relieves credentials […]
Passwordless Authentication
Future-Proof Your IAM and Enrich Your User Experience.
How To Implement Passwordless Authentication: A Step by Step Guide Login details are criminals’ favorite type of data, as they allow complete impersonation of a legitimate user on your system. By successfully compromising an account, an attacker becomes a wolf in sheep’s clothing, appearing completely innocuous until they launch their attack. One of the most common consequences of cracked credentials is a data breach, the […]
27th July, 2022 -
2022: The Year End-User Accounts Go Passwordless Why Passwordless, Why Now? Advances in technologies pose new dangers online as more people use devices to do their shopping and finances. The remote work era pedaled, further extending technology adoption, so growing concerns regarding security and new methods are more valid than ever. Progress comes with leaving behind obsolete methods to improve efficiency and […]
23rd February, 2022 -
Technical Whitepaper: Biometric Passwordless Authentication (FIDO2 WebAuthN) The booming cost of account takeover (ATO) attacks, from $4BN in 2020 to $16BN in 2021, makes passwordless authentication a truly pressing need for all businesses. Most current “passwordless” technologies still contain shared secrets and friction – deeming them irrelevant to the world’s most prominent workforce and buying power: Gen Y and Gen Z. Biometric […]
23rd February, 2022 -
The good, the good-old and the biometric: 5 Passwordless options compared Passwords are obsolete. Memorizing long and complicated passwords has been holding back businesses for over 50 years, while cyberattacks are evolving every day. ¹ In fact, Google has registered over 2 million phishing sites as of January 2021. The figure is up from 1.7 million in January 2020, a 27% increase year on year. ² […]
25th August, 2021 -
Solution Brief: Passwordless Authentication Part with unsecure password lists, password management and forgotten passwords. Passwordless authentication allows easy access to all business apps with a single tap on your chosen device. This solution brief includes top features, capabilities, and benefits. Fill out the form to get your copy.
13th April, 2021 -
The Future is Passwordless: 3 Reasons You Need a Passwordless Solution Now Passwordless authentication is the key to simplifying and streamlining the process of connecting employees to all systems company-wide.
21st January, 2021