Commitments Automation
Maximize cloud discounts with AI & ML-driven commitment management.
Get your cloud cost saving assessments today:
Get More Savings with Greater RI Coverage
We at GlobalDots, are always on the hunt for innovative and impactful solutions which help businesses cut their cloud costs. Adopt our Commitments Automation solution to benefit from the full cost savings of highly discounted reserved instances without any commitment.
5 min. Onboarding -
60% Savings on storage -
0 Risk With our buy-back guarantee
How does it work?
Our Commitment Manager leverages real-time data sources to gather usage performance metrics, facilitating swift adaptation of Reserved Instance (RI) commitments in response to fluctuating demand.
Our system dynamically responds to your application’s needs. It automatically procures RIs when usage escalates, and liquidates RIs when usage diminishes.
Our process is seamless and non-intrusive, requiring no agent integration on the EC2 instance, just permissions to access AWS Cost Explorer.
Our pricing model only charges a percentage of the savings you achieve each month. No long-term commitment, no setup fee.